
Measuring property registry in Brazil: A privacy by design econometric model

The Registering Property indicator of the Doing Business report is one of the 11 indicator sets published in order to evaluate business regulations in 190 countries. Tracking transactions at registry offices is key for evaluating this indicator. Currently, the availability of specific economic indicators for the Brazilian real estate sector is quite limited and heterogeneous, based on sparse and unrelated data sources. The digital development of the Brazilian property registry system, based on the Electronic Real Estate Registry System (SREI) model, requires the consolidation of statistical indicators on the operation of all registry offices in Brazil. SREI defines a distributed data architecture which promotes security and interoperability of registry data, offering a privacy by design approach for measuring property registry with the advent of the Brazilian General Data Protection Regulation (LGPD). This article presents an econometric model to evaluate property registry activity in Brazil in compliance with the data protection law.

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